In the past few months, I had found that my nails were getting bubbles and bumps. It just made my nails look unprofessional and untidy. It's not like you could say that I had no experience and was just bad at painting nails. Because I was the girl grabbing her mother's nail polishes at three years old and painting my nails. My nail varnish collection has grown bigger and bigger as the years has gone and it has no plans of stopping any time soon. After researching some ways in which I could perfect my nail painting. I found some amazing ways, which I just had to share with you guys!
My storage |
2.Roll don't shake. Shaking the bottle before use can create air bubbles and pockets within the nail varnish and then not give an even stroke or finish to the nail. Roll the bottle slightly in between your hands and this will mix the varnish and make it nice to apply without creating air pockets.
3. Apply thin coats. The thinner the coats, the quicker the nails will dry and the less chance of air bubbles or bumps on the finish of the nails.
4. Apply a Vaseline or cuticle balm. Apply a cuticle balm or Vaseline around the edges of the nail on the skin. This will prevent any varnish sticking to the skin. And even if it does, it makes it easy to wipe off.
5. Base and Top. Make sure that you use a base and a top coat. A lot of people forgot to use a base but a base is multi-purpose. A base can work as a protector from staining as well as a ridge filler. (Which just makes the nail all one flat surface) A base will make the nail varnish apply easier and last longer. A top coat keeps the varnish for chipping and keeps it look smooth and glossy.
6. Sit still. This is obvious. but I used to rush about after painting my nails. Just sit back and watch an episode of your favourite show on TiVo or on your computer and don't move. Let your nails become touch dry. Your nails will not be completely dry for at least a few hours! So Sit Still.
They are just a few tips in the millions that are out there! I'm completely and utterly obsessed with nail varnish! Just check out my Pinterest and there is a whole board dedicated to Lacquer!
Photos courtesy of Pinterest except nail storage